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Conversation Analysis: Studies from the first generation
Edited by Gene H. Lerner
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 125] 2004
► pp. 171223
Cited by (99)

Cited by 99 other publications

Cox, Keith
2024. When Good News Falls Flat: Complications in the Delivery and Reception of Good News in Pediatric Neurology. Social Psychology Quarterly DOI logo
Oliveira, Ana Larissa Adorno Marciotto & Gustavo Ximenes Cunha
Prettner, Robert, Hedwig te Molder & Jeffrey D. Robinson
2024. The Delicate Situation of Childhood Vaccination: On the Dispreferredness of Soliciting Parents’ Intent to Vaccinate. Health Communication  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Rawls, Anne W & Michael Lynch
2024. Ethnography in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis: Both, neither, or something else altogether?. Qualitative Research 24:1  pp. 116 ff. DOI logo
Xiang, Mingyou, Mian Jia & Xiaohui Bu
2024. Research Methods. In Introduction to Pragmatics [Peking University Linguistics Research, 9],  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth, Sandra A. Thompson & Barbara A. Fox
2023. Do English affirmative polar interrogatives with any favor negative responses?. In Responding to Polar Questions across Languages and Contexts [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 35],  pp. 350 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Don
2023. Divergence in uncertainty: the Korean non-committal suffix -(u)lkel. Text & Talk 43:5  pp. 697 ff. DOI logo
Li, Xiaoting & Yaqiong Liu
2023. Interactional functions of truncated predicative complement construction “AP + (dek)le” as topic initiator in Shanghai Wu Chinese conversation. Text & Talk 43:1  pp. 45 ff. DOI logo
Löfgren, Agnes & Emily Hofstetter
2023. Introversive semiosis in action: depictions in opera rehearsals. Social Semiotics 33:3  pp. 601 ff. DOI logo
Masotina, Mariavittoria & Anna Spagnolli
2023. Coordination between vehicles in traffic. Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 24:3  pp. 362 ff. DOI logo
Stivers, Tanya, Giovanni Rossi & Andrew Chalfoun
2023. Ambiguities in Action Ascription. Social Forces 101:3  pp. 1552 ff. DOI logo
Bottema-Beutel, Kristen, Shannon Crowley & So Yoon Kim
2022. Sequence organization of autistic children’s play with caregivers: Rethinking follow-in directives. Autism 26:5  pp. 1267 ff. DOI logo
Carranza, Ariel Vázquez
2022. Ritualized disbelief in Mexican Spanish talk-in-interaction. Spanish in Context 19:3  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Chepinchikj, Neda
2022. Organisation of Interaction. In Interactional Approach to Cinematic Discourse,  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Clayman, Steven E., John Heritage & Douglas W. Maynard
2022. The Ethnomethodological Lineage of Conversation Analysis. In The Ethnomethodology Program,  pp. 252 ff. DOI logo
Delahunty, Gerald P.
2022. An analysis ofThe thing is that Ssentences. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Yo-An
2022. Conversational storytelling. In Handbook of Pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics, ],  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Yo-An
2024. Managing Coherence in Conversational Storytelling. Human Studies DOI logo
Pannell, Justin Lance
2022. “I Ain’t Even Gonna Cap to It”: Ethnography‐as‐Surveillance and Dark Sousveillance in the Classroom. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 32:2  pp. 260 ff. DOI logo
Räisänen, Tiina & Tuire Oittinen
2022. Bad News Delivery as an Interactional Context for Constructing Professional Identities and Social Relations: Multimodal Approach. In Shaping the North Through Multimodal and Intermedial Interaction [Arctic Encounters, ],  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Campbell, Betsy
2021. Entrepreneurial uncertainty in context: an ethnomethodological perspective. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 27:3  pp. 648 ff. DOI logo
Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
2021. Language over time. Interactional Linguistics 1:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Herijgers, Marloes & Tessa van Charldorp
2021. Communicating information packages in institutional face-to-face consultations. Discourse Studies 23:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Joyce, Jack B., Bogdana Humă, Hanna-Leena Ristimäki, Fabio Ferraz de Almeida & Ann Doehring
2021. Speaking out against everyday sexism: Gender and epistemics in accusations of “mansplaining”. Feminism & Psychology 31:4  pp. 502 ff. DOI logo
Raymond, Chase Wesley, Jeffrey D. Robinson, Barbara A. Fox, Sandra A. Thompson & Kristella Montiegel
2021. Modulating action through minimization: Syntax in the service of offering and requesting. Language in Society 50:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Stahl, Gerry
2021. Investigation 24. Viewing Learning and Thinking in Groups. In Theoretical Investigations,  pp. 517 ff. DOI logo
Čada, Karel & Petra A. Honová
2021. ‘The more we verify it, the more truth there is’: Producing the truth and expertise in public policy. International Review of Public Policy 3:3  pp. 364 ff. DOI logo
Küttner, Uwe-A.
2020.  Tying Sequences Together with the [ That’s + Wh -Clause] Format: On (Retro-)Sequential Junctures in Conversation . Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:2  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Li, Li
2020. Teacher Cognition and Identity. In Language Teacher Cognition,  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Pauletto, Franco
2020. L’analisi della conversazione per valutare l’autenticità dei materiali audio per l’insegnamento dell’italiano L2: una proposta metodologica. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 7:2  pp. 28 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Jeffrey D.
2020. One Type of Polar, Information-Seeking Question and Its Stance of Probability: Implications for the Preference for Agreement. Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:4  pp. 425 ff. DOI logo
Sanahuges, Carme & Hortènsia Curell
2020. Responding to Trouble: An Interactional Approach to Empathy In Catalan and English. Corpus Pragmatics 4:4  pp. 449 ff. DOI logo
Tate, Alexandra
2020. Matter over mind: How mental health symptom presentations shape diagnostic outcomes. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 24:6  pp. 755 ff. DOI logo
Urbanik, Paweł
2020. Getting others to share goods in Polish and Norwegian: Material and moral anchors for request conventions. Intercultural Pragmatics 17:2  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Helasvuo, Marja-Liisa
2019. Free NPs as units in Finnish. Studies in Language 43:2  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Helasvuo, Marja-Liisa
2021. Free NPs as units in Finnish. In Usage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units [Benjamins Current Topics, 114],  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Humă, Bogdana, Elizabeth Stokoe & Rein Ove Sikveland
2019. Persuasive Conduct: Alignment and Resistance in Prospecting “Cold” Calls. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 38:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Seung-Hee & Chan Woong Kim
2019. Problem Presentation of Injury During Triage in Emergency Care. Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:1  pp. 63 ff. DOI logo
Lerner, Gene H.
2019. When Someone Other than the Addressed Recipient Speaks Next: Three Kinds of Intervening Action After the Selection of Next Speaker. Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:4  pp. 388 ff. DOI logo
Pan, Yun
2019. Meaning construction in interactive academic talk. Pragmatics & Cognition 26:2-3  pp. 414 ff. DOI logo
Barnes, Rebecca K.
2018. Preliminaries to Treatment Recommendations in UK Primary Care: A Vehicle for Shared Decision Making?. Health Communication 33:11  pp. 1366 ff. DOI logo
Clayman, Steven E. & Laura Loeb
2018. Polar Questions, Response Preference, and the Tasks of Political Positioning in Journalism. Research on Language and Social Interaction 51:2  pp. 127 ff. DOI logo
Prior, Matthew T.
2018. Accomplishing “rapport” in qualitative research interviews: Empathic moments in interaction. Applied Linguistics Review 9:4  pp. 487 ff. DOI logo
Raymond, Geoffrey
2018. Which epistemics? Whose conversation analysis?. Discourse Studies 20:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Rossi, Giovanni
2018. Composite Social Actions: The Case of Factual Declaratives in Everyday Interaction. Research on Language and Social Interaction 51:4  pp. 379 ff. DOI logo
Speer, Susan A. & Rebecca McPhillips
2018. Initiating discussions about weight in a non‐weight‐specific setting: What can we learn about the interactional consequences of different communication practices from an examination of clinical consultations?. British Journal of Health Psychology 23:4  pp. 888 ff. DOI logo
Berger, Evelyne
2017. The interactional achievement of tellability: a study of story-openings. Revue française de linguistique appliquée Vol. XXII:2  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Böhringer, Daniela
2017. „Gut gemacht, Mädchen!“ Geschlechterdifferenz und Geschlechterungleichheit an Hochschulen. In Bildung und Ungleichheit in Deutschland,  pp. 495 ff. DOI logo
Mikesell, Lisa, Galina B. Bolden, Jenny Mandelbaum, Jeffrey D. Robinson, Tanya Romaniuk, Alexa Bolaños-Carpio, Darcey Searles, Wan Wei, Stephen M. DiDomenico & Beth Angell
2017.  At the Intersection of Epistemics and Action: Responding with I Know . Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:3  pp. 268 ff. DOI logo
Paatsch, Louise, Dianne Toe & Amelia Church
2017. Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implantation. In Research in Clinical Pragmatics [Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 11],  pp. 411 ff. DOI logo
Stivers, Tanya & Stefan Timmermans
2017. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life: Making Bad News Bivalent. Research on Language and Social Interaction 50:4  pp. 404 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Ruey-Jiuan Regina & John Heritage
2017. Particles and epistemics. In Enabling human conduct [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 273],  pp. 273 ff. DOI logo
Fukuda, Hisato, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoshinori Kuno, Akiko Yamazaki, Keiko Ikeda & Keiichi Yamazaki
2016. 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN),  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Haugh, Michael
2016. Prompting Social Action as a Higher-Order Pragmatic Act. In Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use [Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, 9],  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Jol, Guusje & Wyke Stommel
2016. Resisting the legitimacy of the question: Self-evident answers to questions about sources of knowledge in police interviews with child witnesses. International Journal of Legal Discourse 1:2  pp. 345 ff. DOI logo
Lindwall, Oskar, Gustav Lymer & Jonas Ivarsson
2016. Epistemic status and the recognizability of social actions. Discourse Studies 18:5  pp. 500 ff. DOI logo
Lynch, Michael & Jean Wong
2016. Reverting to a hidden interactional order: Epistemics, informationism, and conversation analysis. Discourse Studies 18:5  pp. 526 ff. DOI logo
Macbeth, Douglas & Jean Wong
2016. The story of ‘Oh’, Part 2: Animating transcript. Discourse Studies 18:5  pp. 574 ff. DOI logo
Taleghani‐Nikazm, Carmen & Andrea Golato
2016. Jaja in spoken German: Managing Knowledge Expectations. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 49:1  pp. 80 ff. DOI logo
Rawls, Anne Warfield & David Mann
2015. Getting Information Systems to Interact: The Social Fact Character of “Object” Clarity as a Factor in Designing Information Systems. The Information Society 31:2  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Licoppe, Christian, Renato Cudicio & Serge Proulx
2014. Instant messaging requests in connected organizations: ‘Quick questions’ and the moral economy of contribution. Discourse Studies 16:4  pp. 488 ff. DOI logo
Raymond, Chase Wesley
2014. Epistemic Brokering in the Interpreter-Mediated Medical Visit: Negotiating “Patient’s Side” and “Doctor’s Side” Knowledge. Research on Language and Social Interaction 47:4  pp. 426 ff. DOI logo
Speer, Susan A. & Elizabeth Stokoe
2014. Ethics in action: Consent‐gaining interactions and implications for research practice. British Journal of Social Psychology 53:1  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Koivisto, Aino
2013.  On the Preference for Remembering: Acknowledging an Answer With Finnish Ai Nii(n) (“Oh That's Right”) . Research on Language and Social Interaction 46:3  pp. 277 ff. DOI logo
Koivisto, Aino
2015.  Dealing with Ambiguities in Informings: Finnish Aijaa as a “Neutral” News Receipt . Research on Language and Social Interaction 48:4  pp. 365 ff. DOI logo
Benjamin, Trevor
2012. When Problems Pass Us By: Using “You Mean” to Help Locate the Source of Trouble. Research on Language and Social Interaction 45:1  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
Heritage, John
2012. The Epistemic Engine: Sequence Organization and Territories of Knowledge. Research on Language and Social Interaction 45:1  pp. 30 ff. DOI logo
Heritage, John
2012. Epistemics in Action: Action Formation and Territories of Knowledge. Research on Language and Social Interaction 45:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Heritage, John
2018. The ubiquity of epistemics: A rebuttal to the ‘epistemics of epistemics’ group. Discourse Studies 20:1  pp. 14 ff. DOI logo
Heritage, John
2018. Turn-initial particles in English. In Between turn and sequence [Studies in Language and Social Interaction, 31],  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Heritage, John
2023. Conversation Analysis. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context,  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Jenks, Christopher Joseph
2012. Doing Being Reprehensive: Some Interactional Features of English as a Lingua Franca in a Chat Room. Applied Linguistics 33:4  pp. 386 ff. DOI logo
Kevoe-Feldman, Heidi & Jeffrey D. Robinson
2012. Exploring essentially three-turn courses of action: An institutional case study with implications for ordinary talk. Discourse Studies 14:2  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
Speer, Susan A.
2012. The Interactional Organization of Self-praise. Social Psychology Quarterly 75:1  pp. 52 ff. DOI logo
Clark, Shannon J. & Pamela L. Hudak
2011. When Surgeons Advise Against Surgery. Research on Language and Social Interaction 44:4  pp. 385 ff. DOI logo
Gonzáles-Martínez, Esther
2011. Just telling what is going to happen: the initial phase of a judicial social investigation interview. Nottingham French Studies 50:2  pp. 154 ff. DOI logo
Nishizaka, Aug
2011. The embodied organization of a real-time fetus: The visible and the invisible in prenatal ultrasound examinations. Social Studies of Science 41:3  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
Roever, Carsten
2011. Testing of second language pragmatics: Past and future. Language Testing 28:4  pp. 463 ff. DOI logo
Butler, Carly W., Jonathan Potter, Susan Danby, Michael Emmison & Alexa Hepburn
2010. Advice-implicative Interrogatives. Social Psychology Quarterly 73:3  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Cora Garcia, Angela
2010. The role of interactional competence in mediation. Conflict Resolution Quarterly 28:2  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Haakana, Markku
2010. Laughter and smiling: Notes on co-occurrences. Journal of Pragmatics 42:6  pp. 1499 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Jeffrey D. & Galina B. Bolden
2010. Preference organization of sequence-initiating actions: The case of explicit account solicitations. Discourse Studies 12:4  pp. 501 ff. DOI logo
Robinson, Jeffrey D. & Heidi Kevoe-Feldman
2010. Using Full Repeats to Initiate Repair on Others’ Questions. Research on Language and Social Interaction 43:3  pp. 232 ff. DOI logo
Carlin, Andrew P.
2009. Edward Rose and linguistic ethnography: an Ethno-inquiries approach to interviewing. Qualitative Research 9:3  pp. 331 ff. DOI logo
Koschmann, Timothy & Alan Zemel
2009. Optical Pulsars and Black Arrows: Discoveries as Occasioned Productions. Journal of the Learning Sciences 18:2  pp. 200 ff. DOI logo
Chevalier, Fabienne H. G.
2008. Unfinished Turns in French Conversation: How Context Matters. Research on Language and Social Interaction 41:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Chevalier, Fabienne H.G.
2009. The facework of unfinished turns in French conversation. Discourse Studies 11:3  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
Chevalier, Fabienne H.G. & Rebecca Clift
2008. Unfinished turns in French conversation: Projectability, syntax and action. Journal of Pragmatics 40:10  pp. 1731 ff. DOI logo
Hutchby, Ian & Vanita Tanna
2008. Aspects of sequential organization in text message exchange. Discourse & Communication 2:2  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Kitzinger, Celia
2008. Book review: EMANUEL A. SCHEGLOFF, Sequence Organization in Interaction: A Primer in Conversation Analysis, Volume 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Xvi + 300 pp. Discourse & Society 19:4  pp. 560 ff. DOI logo
Rawls, Anne Warfield
2008. Harold Garfinkel, Ethnomethodology and Workplace Studies. Organization Studies 29:5  pp. 701 ff. DOI logo
Stivers, Tanya
2008. Stance, Alignment, and Affiliation During Storytelling: When Nodding Is a Token of Affiliation. Research on Language and Social Interaction 41:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Stivers, Tanya
2019. How We Manage Social Relationships Through Answers to Questions: The Case of Interjections. Discourse Processes 56:3  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Heritage, John & Jeffrey D. Robinson
2006. The Structure of Patients' Presenting Concerns: Physicians' Opening Questions. Health Communication 19:2  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Sidnell, Jack
2006. Sequence. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Sidnell, Jack
2009. Sequence. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2012. References. In The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,  pp. 741 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2015. References. In Uncertain Futures,  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo

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