A lexico-paradigmatic approach to English setting-constructions
In this paper I will explore the relationship between constructional and verbal
semantics in a two-participant construction exemplified by expressions like I
broke my arm (when I fell) (Talmy 2000, 518), where the Subject is described as
a mere circumstantial setting for the process (Davidse 1992, 128). Drawing on
corpus data with change-of-state verbs, I will illustrate the syntactic contexts
where this construction occurs in English, analysing how the particular uses
of these verbs interact with the semantico-pragmatic value of the construction.
Along the lines of Lemmens (2006), and building on previous work of mine
(Guerrero Medina 2010), I will adopt a lexico-paradigmatic view and argue
that the paradigmatic behaviour of a verb is actually determined by the entire
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Romain, Laurence
Putting the argument back into argument structure constructions.
Cognitive Linguistics 33:1
► pp. 35 ff.

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