Part of
Pragmatic Markers in Irish English
Edited by Carolina P. Amador-Moreno, Kevin McCafferty and Elaine Vaughan
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 258] 2015
► pp. 1736
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Cited by ten other publications

Barron, Anne
2023. Irish English and Variational Pragmatics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,  pp. 400 ff. DOI logo
O’Keeffe, Anne
2023. Irish English Corpus Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
P. Amador-Moreno, Carolina
2023. Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Irish English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,  pp. 426 ff. DOI logo
Vaughan, Elaine
2023. Politeness in Irish English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English,  pp. 448 ff. DOI logo
Aijmer, Karin
2022. “Well He’s Sick Anyway Like”: Anyway in Irish English. Corpus Pragmatics 6:2  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
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Hickey, Raymond
2017. The pragmatics ofgrandin Irish English. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 18:1  pp. 82 ff. DOI logo
2017. Irish English in the Anglophone world. World Englishes 36:2  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
Hickey, Raymond
2024.  Anyway in Irish English. Journal of Historical Pragmatics DOI logo

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