This chapter investigates eight discourse-pragmatic markers in a corpus of
Northern Irish English, some of which are interesting on account of their
absence or rarity and others because they appear to index social categories
like age and sex.1 Although some of these (particularly like) have already been
subject to considerable scholarly debate, others (such as och) have never been
addressed. The account examines their origins drawing on the corpus as well
as other data from Celtic and non-Celtic Englishes globally. The analysis also
re-examines and elaborates on the functions each of these discourse-pragmatic
markers are thought to perform, with respect to both their roles in interpersonal
communication and in organizing discourse.
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Cited by (15)
Cited by 15 other publications
Corrigan, Karen P.
2024. English in Ireland. In Language in Britain and Ireland, ► pp. 178 ff.
2021. ‘Ey, wait, wait, gully!’ Style, stance and the social meaning of attention signals in East London adolescent speech. English Language and Linguistics 25:3 ► pp. 621 ff.
Corrigan, Karen P. & Chloé Diskin
2020. ‘Northmen, Southmen, comrades all’? The adoption of discourselikeby migrants north and south of the Irish border. Language in Society 49:5 ► pp. 745 ff.
2024. English. In Language in Britain and Ireland, ► pp. 9 ff.
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