The way the complexities of fictional dialogue are creatively exploited in a play,
a film or a novel can reveal much about the management of ordinary conversation.
Although it is evident that fictional dialogue and naturally occurring conversation
are different types of communication, it is no less true that fictional
representations of dialogue and narratives creatively exploit linguistic features
which may be characteristic of spoken language. This chapter discusses how discourse
markers such as like and roysh, and quotative patterns such as be + like,
go, and be + there are employed in the work of Irish author Paul Howard in
order to recreate contemporary Dublin English.
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Cited by (11)
Cited by 11 other publications
Barron, Anne
2023. Irish English and Variational Pragmatics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 400 ff.
Hickey, Raymond
2023. The Language of Irish Literature in English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 467 ff.
O’Keeffe, Anne
2023. Irish English Corpus Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 243 ff.
P. Amador-Moreno, Carolina
2023. Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Irish English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 426 ff.
Schulte, Marion
2023. Dublin English and Third-Wave Sociolinguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 339 ff.
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