This chapter builds on my previous studies of wh-questions that convey reversed polarity assertions, for example, “When have I.” used to convey “I never have” (Koshik 2003;2005). These questions challenge the grounds for a prior claim or action, suggesting that there is no basis for that claim or action and the question is therefore unanswerable. This chapter focuses on responses to these challenges. At times questioners leave no sequentially appropriate space for a response. However, when recipients do respond, responses that reject the challenge provide grammatically type-conforming answers to the questions, treating the questions as answerable. Responses that align with the challenge either treat the question as unanswerable or they accept or agree with the assertion conveyed by the challenge.
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2020. Grammatical conformity in question-answer sequences: The case of meiyou in Mandarin conversation. Discourse Studies 22:5 ► pp. 610 ff.
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Any errors therein should be reported to them.