What a difference forty years make
The view from linguistics
In great part thanks to Manny Schegloff’s contributions, CA has brought with it a fresh new way of thinking about language. Three roughly chronological stages can be identified in Schegloff’s linguistic development: (1) casual observation about small-scale linguistic phenomena, including silence, timing of sounds, syllables and words, non-lexical tokens, reference and deixis; (2) serious engagement with large-scale linguistic phenomena, including sentences, questions, speech acts, coherence, and prosody; (3) full-blown linguistic theorizing about, e.g., the natural habitat of language and grammars as positionally sensitive objects. The conclusion is that Manny Schegloff has contributed, if unwittingly, to a ‘new-age’, interactional revolution in linguistic thinking.
Keywords: silence, timing, non-lexical token, reference, deixis, sentence, question, speech act, coherence, prosody, language in its natural habitat, positionally sensitive grammar
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The beginning stage: Casual observation about small-scale linguistic phenomena
- 2.1Silence
- 2.2Timing in sounds, syllables, and words
- 2.3Non-lexical tokens
- 2.4Reference and deixis
- 3.The middle stage: Serious engagement with large-scale linguistic phenomena
- 3.1Sentences
- 3.2Questions
- 3.3Speech acts
- 3.4Coherence
- 3.5Prosody
- 4.The latest stage: Full-blown linguistic theorizing
- 4.1Language in its natural habitat
- 4.2Positionally sensitive grammars
- 5.Conclusion
References (17)
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Schegloff, Emanuel A. 1998. “Reflections on Studying Prosody in Talk-in-Interaction.” Language and Speech 41 (3–4): 235–263. 

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L2 Classroom Input and L2 Positionally Sensitive Grammars: The Role of Information‐Seeking Question Sequences.
The Modern Language Journal 106:S1
► pp. 113 ff.

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