Chapter 4
The form of threats
Article outline
- 4.1Methodology
- 4.1.1Unit of analysis
- 4.1.2
- 4.2Conditionality
- 4.2.1Operationalizing conditionality
- 4.2.2
Results and discussion
- 4.3Futurity
- 4.3.1Operationalizing futurity
- 4.3.2
Results and discussion
- 4.4Violent verbs, participants and orientation of a threat
- 4.4.1
Type of verb
- 4.4.2
Agent-patient relation
- 4.4.3
Orientation of threat
- 4.5Other common features: Pronouns, taboo words, weapons
- 4.5.11PP and 2PP
- 4.5.2
taboo language
- 4.5.3
mention of weapons
- 4.6Social context: Relationship of threatener and target
- 4.6.1
Operationalizing relationship of threatener and target
- 4.6.2Results and discussion
- 4.7Detecting feature patterns: Hierarchical cluster analysis
- 4.7.1
Data and methodology
- 4.7.2
Results and discussion