Chapter 5
The function of threats
Article outline
- 5.1
Assessing the point of utterance: Pre-event and post-event threats
- 5.1.1Methodology
- 5.1.2Results and discussion
- 5.2The form of manipulative and retaliative threats
- 5.2.1Conditionality
- 5.2.2Futurity
- 5.2.3Type of verb, agent-patient relation and orientation of threat
- 5.2.4Common lexical elements: Pronouns, taboo language and mention of weapons
- 5.2.5Summary
- 5.3Form as a predictor of function: Classification tree models
- 5.3.1Methodology
- 5.3.2Results I: Single conditional inference tree
- 5.3.3Results II: Random forest of conditional inference trees
- 5.3.4
Discussion: Predictable strategies?
- 5.4Summary: The function of threats