In this volume we focus on different types of
manners, norms and their transgressions. One kind of transgression can be
called “blunders” and deals with violations of accepted behaviour, conduct
or manners. A second kind draws more attention to language use in
interpersonal communication with violations of pragmatic principles or
breaking the norms of appropriate writing styles. In this introduction, we
first outline the change in the appropriation of manners in different
periods discussed in this book. We then proceed to the theoretical
background and suggest an overall line of diachronic changes. Our approach
falls at the interface between language and literature, which is discussed
before the chapter summaries.
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Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Jucker, Andreas H.
2024. Conduct politeness versus etiquette politeness: a terminological distinction. Journal of Politeness Research 20:1 ► pp. 87 ff.
Xie, Fang
2024. Politeness Variation: Politeness in Britain, Australia, and Hong Kong. Corpus Pragmatics 8:4 ► pp. 313 ff.
Molodcha, Natalia & Asya Khilkovska
2022. Strategies of criticism and disapproval in the academic administrative discourse. Cognition, Communication, Discourse :25 ► pp. 19 ff.
Shevchenko, Iryna, Yuliia Matiukhina & Maria Liudvika Drazdauskienė
2021. The evolution of the English small talk: a cognitive-pragmatic analysis. Cognition, Communication, Discourse :23 ► pp. 87 ff.
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