This chapter examines the phenomenon called ‘zero anaphora’ in Japanese where
syntactic arguments, thought to be projected by the predicates, are assumed
to be deleted yet their referents are still tracked. A close inspection of
representative narrative and interactive segments reveals that everyday
talk, the primordial form of language, is carried out largely through more
or less fixed expressions which are better analyzed as not projecting
syntactic arguments. This suggests that deletion of arguments and tracking
of referents might not be relevant to the grammar of Japanese everyday talk.
We demonstrate this by discussing several facts including: (1) inserting
what might be thought of as ‘deleted’ arguments in relevant examples makes
them consistently more marked, awkward, or even unacceptable and (2)
‘deleted’ arguments are often associated with multiple equally possible
referents, or no referents. The predominance of fixed expressions in our
data suggests that they constitute the basic type of language in Japanese
everyday talk. It is hoped that the current study is a contribution to
building a model of grammar which captures this very characteristic of
everyday talk where (semi-) fixed structure continuously emerges.
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