Directive turn design and intersubjectivity
In this paper, we discuss turn design as a locus of
intersubjectivity. We focus on two types of directives in Finnish
interactions, turns formatted with second-person imperative and
turns that contain zero person. Neither of these turn designs
contains a separate subject phrase explicating the person(s)
referred to, nor does either indicate when the action nominated is
to take place. We study the kinds of assumptions these two turn
designs make and present as shared, and the interplay of the
assumptions in relation to the sequential and activity context of
the turn. The design of turns and actions in sequences of
interaction thus allows us to see intersubjectivity at work, even
when repair does not take place.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Directive turns with imperatives
- 3.Directive turns with zero-person+modal constructions
- 4.Directive sequences with both imperatives and zero-person+modal
- 5.Discussion and conclusion