Chapter 4
Medical discourse in Late Modern English
Insights from a multidisciplinary corpus of scientific journal articles
This chapter demonstrates how the Royal Society Corpus, a richly annotated corpus of around 48,000 English scientific journal articles covering more than 330 years, can be used for lexico-grammatical and pragmatic studies that contribute to a broader understanding of the development of medical research articles. The Late Modern English period together with several decades before and after this time frame was a productive period in the medical output of the Royal Society. This chapter addresses typical linguistic features of scientific journal articles from medical and related sciences from this period demonstrating their special status in the context of other traditional and emerging disciplines in the corpus data. Additionally, language usage and text-type conventions of historical medical research articles will be compared to the features of corpus texts on medical topics from Present-day English.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The RSC 6.0
- 3.Late Modern English medical texts in the RSC
- 3.1Authors of medical texts
- 3.2RSC texts with medical implications
- 3.3Linguistic features of medical articles
- 4.Summary and conclusion
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Mair, Christian
Erik Smitterberg, Syntactic change in Late Modern English: Studies on colloquialization and densification (Studies in English Language). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xii + 302. ISBN 9781108564984..
English Language and Linguistics 27:1
► pp. 221 ff.

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