Doing We – Working alliance in psychotherapeutic relationships
A recursive model
Larger chunks from psychotherapeutic cooperations are presented. Cooperation is studied in empirical
psychotherapeutic process research as “working alliance” of which conceptual conflicts are outlined.
I follow a proposal by Ginzburg and Poesio (2016) to micro-analyze
hesitation markers as conversational equivalents to embodied pointing gestures. Several stories by patients are told in order
to “point” to comparisons between the stories. The concept of “tacit comparisons” is, thus,
introduced. Then, a recursive model of common ground is proposed with reference to cognitive-linguistic theory of metaphor
(Cienki und Müller 2010; Lakoff 1987).
The conversation creates in describable steps new metaphors indicating important change.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Early psychoanalytic efforts and empirical research
- 3.First example: A “failed” we-construction
- 4.“My-mind-is-with-you” (MMWY): A silent dimension
- 5.From sequentiality to larger chunks: Tacit comparisons
- Hesitation markers as pointing to tacit comparisons
- 6.From pointing to metaphor: A recursive model
- 7.We-Constellation: To overcome emotional deafness
- 8.Conclusion
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