Chapter 1
Antiracist and racist discourse as antagonistic and overlapping
This editorial presents the theoretical background underpinning all the chapters of the volume, which are
part of a research project aiming at identifying the ways racist discourse infiltrates antiracist discourse. More
specifically, it elaborates on the concepts of discourse, racist discourse, and antiracist
discourse, as well as on previous research exploring the fuzzy boundaries between racist and antiracist
discourse, which originate in the hegemony of racist discourse and further normalize it. Emphasis is placed on the concept of
liquid racism capturing the co-occurrence of both discourses in the same (con)texts. After a brief
overview of the chapters of the volume and their contribution to the analysis of liquid racism, the editorial is concluded
with some critical reflections on the concept of liquid racism and anti/racist intentions.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Discourse
- 3.Racist discourse
- 4.Antiracist discourse
- 5.The interplay among silent racism, everyday racism, and institutional racism
- 6.From contemporary racism to racist assimilation and internalized racism
- 7.Liquid racism in antiracist discourse
- 8.Project description and overview of the chapters
- 9.Afterword
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