Part of
Structures in Discourse: Interaction, adaptability, and pragmatic functions
Edited by Martin Gill, Aino Malmivirta and Brita Wårvik
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 345] 2024
► pp. 176201

The data

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#03 03.052018 “ ‘Belgium is not a nation’: Farage provokes EU UPROAR as he BRUTALLY taunts Belgian PM.” Available: [URL]
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#05 13.052018 “ ‘We MUST be listened to’ – ONE MILLION students demand ‘PEOPLE’S VOTE’ on Brexit.” Available: [URL]
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#07 03.082018 “ ‘Carney PULLS RUG from under sterling’: Pound CRASHES as Bank of England chief issues BREXIT WARNING.” Available: [URL]
#08 16.082018 “ ‘Trust ME to deliver Brexit’: Boris Johnson to push pro-Brexit agenda at Tory conference.” Available: [URL]
#09 26.082018 “ ‘He is SO ILL-INFORMED!’ Ireland LASHES OUT at Rees-Mogg after SHOCK VIDEO emerges.” Available: [URL]
#10 27.082018 “NO FLY ZONE – planes to be GROUNDED if UK leaves without one-off air deal.” Available: [URL]

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