Chapter 8
Vagueness explored
The role of comment clauses
The paper sets out to explore the function of vagueness
served by comment clauses in Italian, that is, (de-)verbal
parentheticals performing various meta-discursive functions.
Meta-discourse reflects the expression of speaker’s comment on
discourse to different levels ranging from the communication of
epistemic commitment to the encoding of an attitude of mirativity
and emphasis. In this paper I address meta-discourse that is
expressed by comment clauses that assist the speaker in the
communication of informative, relational, and discursive vagueness.
Specifically, the strategies here investigated indicate a relation
of underspecification between the speaker and the formulation to
different degrees pertaining to approximation, expression of
epistemic stance, categorisation of reference via
exemplification, attenuation of speaker’s force, and on-line
planning. I argue that vagueness should be related to the expression
of speaker’s subjectivity and indexicality, as the performing of
this function helps the speaker contextualising the interpretation
of various stretches of discourse.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction and overview: The linguistic expression of
- 2.The linguistic expression of vagueness: Some theoretical
- 2.1Systemic vs intentional vagueness
- 2.2Means to be vague in discourse: From taxonomic nouns to parentheticals and beyond
- 2.3Methodology: Object of analysis, corpus, and
- 3.Vagueness in discourse through the lens of comment
- 3.1Informative vagueness: Approximation on the content
- 3.2Relational vagueness: Between epistemic functions, epistemic
exemplification, and attenuation
- 3.2.1Relational vagueness: Epistemic functions
- 3.2.2A special case of relational vagueness: Epistemic
commitment and categorisation aims
- 3.2.3Relational vagueness: The case of attenuation
- 3.3Discursive vagueness: Diluting discourse while planning
utterances on-line
- 4.Concluding remarks