Part of
Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse: How to create it and how to describe it
Edited by Wolfram Bublitz, Uta Lenk and Eija Ventola
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 63] 1999
► pp. 125152
Cited by (34)

Cited by 34 other publications

Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo & Heith Copes
2024. Identitas per Fabulam: Joint Fantasising in the Construction of Criminal Group Identities. Critical Criminology 32:2  pp. 457 ff. DOI logo
Constantinescu, Mihaela-Viorica
2023. Humorous Approaches to Environmental Issues. Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium 8:1  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Linares Bernabéu, Esther
2023. Co-constructing humour and gender identity in live stand-up comedy. In The Pragmatics of Humour in Interactive Contexts [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 335],  pp. 200 ff. DOI logo
Miller, Shelby R., Hilal Ergül & Salvatore Attardo
2022. “Dr. Shelby, that’s a world record!”. Pragmatics & Cognition 29:1  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Poveda, David
2022. Metalinguistic activity, humor and social competence in classroom discourse. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Reichl, Isabella & Eleni Kapogianni
2022. A delicate balance. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 10:2  pp. 288 ff. DOI logo
Deppermann, Arnulf
2021. Positioning in Adolescents’ Peer Co-Narrations: The Case of Mock Fiction. In Begegnen, Bewegen und Synergien stiften,  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Filani, Ibukun
2021. The stand-up comedian as an egocentric communicator. Intercultural Pragmatics 18:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Indìo Massimo Poppi, Fabio
2021. Sancte et sapienter. Pragmatics and Society 12:3  pp. 437 ff. DOI logo
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo
2024. Per imaginem ad Veritatem: joint fantasizing of crime. Criminal Justice Studies 37:2  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Poppi, Fabio Indìo Massimo
2024. Resistentia feminarum in visionibus: Joint fantasizing as a practice of migrant women’s narrative resistance to the Caporalato system. International Review of Victimology DOI logo
Li, Xiaoting
2020. Interpersonal Touch in Conversational Joking. Research on Language and Social Interaction 53:3  pp. 357 ff. DOI logo
Mullan, Kerry
2020. Pile of Dead Leaves Free to a Good Home: Humour and Belonging in a Facebook Community. In Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication,  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Chovanec, Jan
2018. Irony as counter positioning. In The Pragmatics of Irony and Banter [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 30],  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Chovanec, Jan
2023. ‘Bigger than football’: racist talk on and off the soccer pitch. Soccer & Society 24:7  pp. 942 ff. DOI logo
Chovanec, Jan & Villy Tsakona
2018. Investigating the dynamics of humor. In The dynamics of interactional humor [Topics in Humor Research, 7],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Shilikhina, Ksenia
2018. Discourse markers as guides to understanding spontaneous humor and irony. In The dynamics of interactional humor [Topics in Humor Research, 7],  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Stamou, Anastasia G.
2018. Sociolinguistics of fiction. Discourse, Context & Media 23  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Tsakona, Villy
2018. Online joint fictionalization. In The dynamics of interactional humor [Topics in Humor Research, 7],  pp. 229 ff. DOI logo
Tsakona, Villy
2022. “The doctor said I suffer from Vitamin € deficiency”. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 287 ff. DOI logo
2016. American Learners’ Comprehension of Russian Textual Humor. The Modern Language Journal 100:2  pp. 466 ff. DOI logo
Bührig, Kristin & Carmen Spiegel
2013. Zu einigen Untiefen des Argumentierens im Unterricht. Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung 44:3  pp. 323 ff. DOI logo
Shively, Rachel L.
2013. Learning to be funny in Spanish during study abroad: L2 humor development. The Modern Language Journal 97:4  pp. 930 ff. DOI logo
Cruz, Manuel & Marta Dynel
2009. Book Reviews. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5:2 DOI logo
Dynel, Marta
2008. There Is Method in the Humorous Speaker's Madness: Humour and Grice's Model. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4:1 DOI logo
Dynel, Marta
2009. Beyond a Joke: Types of Conversational Humour. Language and Linguistics Compass 3:5  pp. 1284 ff. DOI logo
Dynel, Marta
2024. Do We Know Whether to Laugh or Cry? User Responses to  at Ukraine’s Dark-humour Meme. Journal of Creative Communications 19:3  pp. 243 ff. DOI logo
Partington, Alan
2008. From Wodehouse to the White House: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Play, Fantasy and Dramatic Incongruity in Comic Writing and Laughter-Talk. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4:2  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Bell, Nancy D.
2007. Safe Territory? The Humorous Narratives of Bilingual Women. Research on Language and Social Interaction 40:2-3  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Bell, Nancy D.
2009. Responses to failed humor. Journal of Pragmatics 41:9  pp. 1825 ff. DOI logo
2011. Humor Scholarship and TESOL: Applying Findings and Establishing a Research Agenda. TESOL Quarterly 45:1  pp. 134 ff. DOI logo
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2006. References. In Gendered Talk at Work,  pp. 224 ff. DOI logo

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