Getting Acquainted in Conversation

A study of initial interactions

 | Agder College, Norway
ISBN 9789027250780 (Eur) | EUR 120.00
ISBN 9781556199424 (USA) | USD 180.00
ISBN 9789027299055 | EUR 120.00 | USD 180.00
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What makes a ‘getting acquainted’ a recognizable conversational activity, and how are interpersonal relationships established in a first conversation? This book presents a theoretical framework for the study of relationship management in conversation and an empirical study of a corpus of initial interactions. It provides detailed descriptions of the sequential resources unacquainted interlocutors use in order to:
– generate self-presentation
– introduce topics
– establish common contextual resources
It is argued that these sequential patterns embody conventionalized procedures for establishing an interpersonal relationship involving some degree of:
– solidarity (mutual rights and obligations)
– familiarity (mutual knowledge of personal background)
– mutual affect (emotional commitment)
The sequential analysis is based on a conversation analytic approach, while the interpretive framework consists of pragmatic theories of politeness, conversational style and common ground.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 64] 2000.  x, 383 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Table of Contents
“Svennevig unquestionably makes many interesting observations in this volume, which fits nicely in the Pragmatics and Beyond series.”
Cited by (65)

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CF: Linguistics

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