The Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Spanish Mood

ISBN 9789027251169 (Eur) | EUR 105.00
ISBN 9781588111951 (USA) | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027253477 (Eur) | EUR 55.00
ISBN 9781588112927 (USA) | USD 83.00
ISBN 9789027297389 | EUR 105.00/55.00*
| USD 158.00/83.00*
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Netlibrary e-BookNot for resale
ISBN 9780585462578
This study provides a consistent description and explanation of the syntax, the semantics and the pragmatics of Spanish mood.
A major focus of attention is the central role of the truthfunctional categories of realis, potentialis and irrealis as parameters relevant to mood selection in both subordinate and non-subordinate clauses. Furthermore, a proposal is offered for a new typology of clause-embedding predicates. The framework chosen stems from the insight that complement-taking predicates share the property of providing information on the set of mental processes which characterize intentional human behavior.
At the level of pragmatic analysis, mood selection is examined from a variety of angles. Thus, specific research is conducted within the framework of speech act theory, relevance theory, politeness theory and the theory of Gricean maxims.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 96] 2002.  vi, 235 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 January 2003
Table of Contents
“This book clearly satisfies the goals set up by its author. [...] It presents a rigorous and detailed linguistic analysis of Spanish mood. It is well written, well thought out, and consistent in approach and
theoretical conception. Certainly, it proves to be a rich source of information and serious analysis about Spanish indicative and subjunctive. No doubt, it constitutes an important contribution to the
“Das Buch is empfehlenswert für Hispanisten und Linguisten der allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft sowie für fortgeschrittene Spanisch-lerner.”
“Mood selection in Spanish has received extensive coverage, especially in the second half of the twentieth-century. Just when it seemed that nothing new or revealing could be written on this subject, Haverkate, who has devoted a considerable part of his professional career to research on this subject, has managed to provide new insights on the numerous issues involved. Haverkate achieves this feat by analyzing not only the syntactic and semantic factors related to the structures involved but also the pragmatic issues. This revised and updated version of the original Dutch version on mood selection in Spanish is Haverkate's capstone work in this area and it belongs in the personal library of
anyone who teaches Spanish because of its informative discussion of this complex grammatical issue. [...] The present volume provides readers with a significant discussion of one of the most researched topics in Hispanic linguistics-mood selection in Spanish.”
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