Lexical change often begins and ends in semantic
Evidence from color linguistics
The article discusses semantic change and lexical replacement
processes in the color domain, based on color naming studies in seven Germanic
languages (where diachronic intra-linguistic development is inferred from
cross-linguistic synchronic studies) and from different generations of speakers
in a single language (Swedish). Change in the color domain often begins and ends
in conceptual peripheries, and I argue that this perspective is suitable for
other semantic domains as well.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Onomasiological perspective: New color categories often arise in
overlapping peripheries
- 2.2Semasiological perspective: New color terms appear in discourse
- 2.3Inferring diachronic intra-linguistic development from cross-linguistic
synchronic studies
- 3.Study 1: A cross-linguistic study of Germanic pink and
- 3.1Background
- 3.2Method and data
- 3.3Subjects
- 3.4Results
- 4.Study 2: An intra-linguistic “diachronic” study of Swedish pink and
- 4.1Background
- 4.2Subjects
- 4.3Method
- 4.4Results
- 5.Discussion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
Notes on corpora
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Notes on corpora
Spraakbanken, historical fiction novels in
the romi, romii, rom99, storsuc, and romg subcorpora, in total 22.41
millions tokens. Available at
https://spraakbanken.gu.se. Accessed 1 September 2018. The
specific subcorpora can most easily be accessed through the following
link, by replacing “INSERTSEARCHWORD” with your search word
DWDS corpus. Digitale Wörterbuch der Deutschen
Sprache, in total 417 million tokens. Available at
https://www.dwds.de. Accessed 1
September 2018. The specific corpora can most easily be accessed
through the following link, by replacing “INSERTSEARCHWORD” with your
search word.
Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
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Griber, Yulia Alexandrovna
Gerontolinguistics of color: research overview.
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