Anna Kuznik

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anna Kuznik plays a role.

Dorer, Brita, Anna Kuznik, David Orrego-Carmona and Cornelia Zwischenberger 2025 日本言語政策学会 / Japan Association for Language Policy. 言語政策 / Language
Policy 10. 2014
Research Methods in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Rojo López, Ana María and Ricardo Muñoz Martín (eds.), pp. 69–91 | Chapter
Surveys and interviews have been used in CTIS both as standalone methods as well as in the context of mixed-, multi-methods or triangulation settings. Surveys and interviews have key similarities: both ask questions and use the responses as research data. This chapter outlines how these methods… read more
Kuznik, Anna 2017 Chapter 15. Use of Instrumental ResourcesResearching Translation Competence by PACTE Group, Hurtado Albir, Amparo (ed.), pp. 219–242 | Article
Kuznik, Anna 2017 Chapter 6. Characteristics of the sampleResearching Translation Competence by PACTE Group, Hurtado Albir, Amparo (ed.), pp. 97–106 | Article
Beeby, Allison, L. Castillo, Olivia Fox, A. Galán Mañas, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Anna Kuznik, Gisela Massana, Wilhelm Neunzig, Christian Olalla-Soler, Patricia Rodríguez-Inés and Lupe Romero 2015 Results of PACTE’s Experimental Research on the Acquisition of Translation Competence: the Acquisition of Declarative and Procedural Knowledge in Translation. The Dynamic Translation IndexTranslation as a cognitive activity, Alves, Fabio, Amparo Hurtado Albir and Isabel Lacruz (eds.), pp. 29–53 | Article
Beeby, Allison, Mònica Fernández, Olivia Fox, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Anna Kuznik, Wilhelm Neunzig, Patricia Rodríguez-Inés, Lupe Romero and Stefanie Wimmer 2011 Results of the validation of the PACTE translation competence model: Translation problems and translation competenceMethods and Strategies of Process Research: Integrative approaches in Translation Studies, Alvstad, Cecilia, Adelina Hild and Elisabet Tiselius (eds.), pp. 317–343 | Article
The PACTE Group has been carrying out experimental research into translation competence since 1977. The aim of this paper is to present the results obtained for one of our study variables: Identification and Solution of Translation Problems. A brief introduction to the PACTE Group’s research… read more