Bernadette Plunkett

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bernadette Plunkett plays a role.


Plunkett, Bernadette 2003 Null Subjects and the Setting of Subject Agreement Parameters in Child FrenchRomance Linguistics: Theory and Acquisition, Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa and Yves Roberge (eds.), pp. 351–366 | Article
Plunkett, Bernadette 2001 Attract and Covert Merge: Predicting interrogative variationThe Minimalist Parameter: Selected papers from the Open Linguistics Forum, Ottawa, 21–23 March 1997, Alexandrova, Galina M. and Olga Arnaudova (eds.), pp. 159–174 | Article
Plunkett, Bernadette 1993 The position of subjects in modern Standard ArabicPerspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Papers from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Eid, Mushira and Clive Holes (eds.), pp. 231 ff. | Article