Constant Leung

List of John Benjamins publications for which Constant Leung plays a role.


Leung, Constant 2024 Chapter 15. Challenges of justice and equity for ethical English as an additional language in school educationEthical Issues in Applied Linguistics Scholarship, De Costa, Peter I., Amr Rabie-Ahmed and Carlo Cinaglia (eds.), pp. 266–284 | Chapter
The ethical issues raised in this discussion are set against the backdrop of the English as an Additional Language (EAL) curriculum and teaching provision for school students from ethnolingusitic minority communities in England. At present over 19% of the school population is categorized as EAL… read more
Andon, Nick, Martin Dewey and Constant Leung 2018 Chapter 9. Tasks in the pedagogic space: Using online discussion forum tasks and formative feedback to develop academic discourse skills at Master’s levelTBLT as a Researched Pedagogy, Samuda, Virginia, Kris Van den Branden and Martin Bygate (eds.), pp. 235–264 | Chapter
This chapter discusses two related studies, both carried out at our own institution with participant students enrolled on an MA in Applied Linguistics, and both aimed at exploring the development of academic discourse at Master’s level. Both studies draw on ‘task’ as a unifying point of reference.… read more