Zsuzsanna Fagyal

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zsuzsanna Fagyal plays a role.


Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Fagyal, Zsuzsanna and Christopher M. Stewart 2011 Prosodic style-shifting in preadolescent peer-group interactions in a working-class suburb of ParisEthnic Styles of Speaking in European Metropolitan Areas, Kern, Friederike and Margret Selting (eds.), pp. 75–99 | Article
In this chapter, we study the variable use of phrase-final intonation contours in French by male adolescents recorded in guided interviews in a multi-ethnic working-class suburb of Paris. We show that speakers use pragmatically neutral rising or falling intonation when listing target words… read more
We investigate the extent of regressive vowel-to-vowel assimilation in trisyllabic words in French. Sixty existing words were inserted in a carrier sentence, each containing /a/ in word-initial unstressed position, and /a/ or /i/ in word-medial unstressed and word-final stressed positions. Acoustic… read more
This paper shows that in the 17th century various attempts were made to build fully automatic speaking devices resembling those exhibited in the late 18th-century in France and Germany. Through the analysis of writings by well-known 17th-century scientists, and a document hitherto unknown in the… read more