Christopher Brumfit
List of John Benjamins publications for which Christopher Brumfit plays a role.
Applied linguistics in 2004: Unity in diversity? World Applied Linguistics: A Celebration of AILA at 40, Gass, Susan M. and Sinfree Makoni (eds.), pp. 133–136 | Miscellaneous
2004 20. The place of knowledge about language in the mother tongue and foreign language curriculum Reflections on Language and Language Learning: In honour of Arthur van Essen, Bax, Marcel and C. Jan-Wouter Zwart (eds.), pp. 279–292 | Chapter
2001 Problems in Defining Instructional Methodologies Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Bot, Kees de, Ralph B. Ginsberg and Claire Kramsch (eds.), pp. 133–144 | Article