Daniel Valois
List of John Benjamins publications for which Daniel Valois plays a role.
Degree fronting in Québec French and the syntactic structure of degree quantifier DPs Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2009: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Nice 2009, Berns, Janine, Haike Jacobs and Tobias Scheer (eds.), pp. 39–54 | Article
2011 In this paper, we compare two syntactic constructions involving degree adverbs in English and Québec French: the Degree Fronting (DF) construction and the Intensification at a Distance (IAD) construction. We argue that, although they display some similar properties, these similarities are… read more
Functional categories and the acquisition of distance quantification The Acquisition of French in Different Contexts: Focus on functional categories, Prévost, Philippe and Johanne Paradis (eds.), pp. 27–49 | Chapter
2004 Neg-Movement and Wh-Movement Negation and Polarity: Syntax and semantics. Selected papers from the colloquium Negation: Syntax and Semantics. Ottawa, 11–13 May 1995, Forget, Danielle, Paul Hirschbühler, France Martineau and María Luisa Rivero (eds.), pp. 341–356 | Article
1997 On the Status of (Verbal) Traces in French: The case of stylistic inversion Romance Languages and Modern Linguistic Theory: Selected papers from the XX Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages, University of Ottawa, April 10–14, 1990, Hirschbühler, Paul and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 325–338 | Article
1992 Is child language a possible source of linguistic variation ? Diversity and Diachrony, Sankoff, David, pp. 347–358 | Article