David L. Share
List of John Benjamins publications for which David L. Share plays a role.
Learning to read in English as third language: The cross-linguistic transfer of phonological processing skills Written Language & Literacy 10:1, pp. 25–52 | Article
2007 The present study compared the influence of bi-literate bilingualism versus mono-literate bilingualism on the development of literary skills in English as L3. Two main predictions were made. First, it was predicted that Russian (L1) literacy would benefit decoding and spelling acquisition in… read more
Bi-literate bilingualism versus mono-literate bilingualism: A longitudinal study of reading acquisition in Hebrew (L2) among Russian-speaking (L1) children Literacy Processes and Literacy Development, Reitsma, Pieter and Ludo Verhoeven (eds.), pp. 103–130 | Article
2005 The present study compared the early Hebrew (L2) literacy development of three groups; two groups of bilinguals — bi-literate and mono-literate Russian-Hebrew speakers, and a third group of monolingual Hebrew-speakers. We predicted that bi-literacy rather than bilingualism is the key variable as… read more