Rhiannon M. Anderson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rhiannon M. Anderson plays a role.


Anderson, Rhiannon M., Marcel Giezen and Marie Pourquié 2021 Basque-Spanish bilingual children’s expressive and receptive grammatical abilitiesPsycholinguistic Approaches to Production and Comprehension in Bilingual Adults and Children, Fernandez, Leigh B., Kalliopi Katsika, Maialen Iraola Azpiroz and Shanley E.M. Allen (eds.), pp. 187–210 | Chapter
Expressive-receptive gaps in lexical abilities have been documented for bilingual children, but few studies have investigated whether a similar gap is observed at the grammatical level. The current study assessed grammatical abilities through sentence production and comprehension tasks in both… read more
Anderson, Rhiannon M., Marcel Giezen and Marie Pourquié 2019 Basque-Spanish bilingual children’s expressive and receptive grammatical abilitiesPsycholinguistic approaches to production and comprehension in bilingual adults and children, Azpiroz, Maialen Iraola, Shanley E.M. Allen, Kalliopi Katsika and Leigh B. Fernandez (eds.), pp. 687–709 | Article
Expressive-receptive gaps in lexical abilities have been documented for bilingual children, but few studies have investigated whether a similar gap is observed at the grammatical level. The current study assessed grammatical abilities through sentence production and comprehension tasks in both… read more