Étienne Morel
List of John Benjamins publications for which Étienne Morel plays a role.
SMS communication as plurilingual communication: Hybrid language use as a challenge for classical code-switching categories SMS Communication: A linguistic approach, Cougnon, Louise-Amélie and Cédrick Fairon (eds.), pp. 111–139 | Article
2014 The use of more than one language in SMS communication is widespread, yet has remained relatively underexplored in the existing research. In this paper we ask: What methodological and conceptual tools are needed for empirically investigating code-switching in large databases of SMS communication?… read more
SMS communication as plurilingual communication: Hybrid language use as a challenge for classical code-switching categories SMS Communication: A linguistic approach, Cougnon, Louise-Amélie and Cédrick Fairon (eds.), pp. 260–288 | Article
2012 The use of more than one language in SMS communication is widespread, yet has remained relatively underexplored in the existing research. In this paper we ask: What methodological and conceptual tools are needed for empirically investigating code-switching in large databases of SMS communication?… read more