Sandra Clarke

List of John Benjamins publications for which Sandra Clarke plays a role.


Focus on Canada

Edited by Sandra Clarke

[Varieties of English Around the World, G11] 1993. xii, 302 pp.
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Clarke, Sandra 2012 From Ireland to Newfoundland: What’s the perfect after doing?New Perspectives on Irish English, Migge, Bettina and Máire Ní Chiosáin (eds.), pp. 101–130 | Article
Irish English is well-known for its extensive range of perfect equivalents, including the after-perfect and the medial-object perfect. Yet the literature displays no consensus on either the precise semantics of the former or the origins of the latter (along with those of the “extended present”, the… read more
This paper documents a case of new dialect formation in the Canadian aboriginal community of Sheshatshiu, Labrador, established as a permanent settlement in 1959. It examines the applicability of a quantitative variationist approach to the investigation of language change and cross-generational… read more
Clarke, Sandra 1997 The Role of Irish English in the Formation of New World Englishes: The Case from NewfoundlandFocus on Ireland, Kallen, Jeffrey L. (ed.), pp. 207–226 | Article
Clarke, Sandra 1993 The Americanization of Canadian pronunciation: A survey of palatal glide usageFocus on Canada, Clarke, Sandra (ed.), pp. 85–108 | Article
Clarke, Sandra 1993 IntroductionFocus on Canada, Clarke, Sandra (ed.), pp. vii–xii | Miscellaneous