Cristina Burani

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cristina Burani plays a role.


Sulpizio, Simone, Giacomo Spinelli and Cristina Burani 2017 STRESYL: An Italian Stress-in-Syllables database for reading researchOrthographic Databases and Lexicons, Cahill, Lynne and Terry Joyce (eds.), pp. 80–103 | Article
During the last few decades, empirical research on reading has shown increasing interest in syllable units. More recently, stress assignment has become a particular focus of interest. The relation between syllables and stress, however, has yet to be investigated for Italian. In this paper, we… read more
Burani, Cristina, Lisa S. Arduino and Stefania Marcolini 2006 Naming morphologically complex pseudowords: A headstart for the root?The Mental Lexicon 1:2, pp. 299–327 | Article
Several studies examining Italian have shown that morphemes are effective processing units in reading aloud. Faster naming times and greater accuracy have been found in the reading of pseudowords consisting of real root + real suffix, than for matched pseudowords not made up of such morphemes. The… read more