Liz Carter
List of John Benjamins publications for which Liz Carter plays a role.
Televised confessions in the People’s Republic of China: A multimodal analysis of lexical grammar, gaze, and identity Chinese Language and Discourse 11:2, pp. 198–225 | Article
2020 This study examines the use of lexical grammar and gaze in three televised confession news segments discussing national identity shown on PRC state-backed media in 2016. It aims to apply discourse analysis methodologies previously used to study PRC mass media (Fang 1994, Fang 2001, Feng 2013,… read more
Preference organization in PRC criminal trial interaction: Defendant resistance and enforced compliance Conversation Analysis in Chinese: Part II, Lim, Ni-Eng (ed.), pp. 224–240 | Article
2019 This paper analyzes resistance in the preference organization of criminal trial interaction from a conversation analytic perspective, with examples taken from an 11-hour video corpus of 20 PRC (People’s Republic of China) criminal trials from 2016–2018. Defendants’ dispreferred responses to… read more