Gary J. Ockey

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gary J. Ockey plays a role.


Assessing L2 Listening: Moving towards authenticity

Gary J. Ockey and Elvis Wagner

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 50] 2018. xvii, 278 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism


Ockey, Gary J. and Elvis Wagner 2018 Chapter 1. IntroductionAssessing L2 Listening: Moving towards authenticity, Ockey, Gary J. and Elvis Wagner, pp. 2–10 | Chapter
Wagner, Elvis and Gary J. Ockey 2018 Chapter 9. An overview of the use of audio-visual texts on L2 listening testsAssessing L2 Listening: Moving towards authenticity, Ockey, Gary J. and Elvis Wagner, pp. 130–144 | Chapter
Wagner, Elvis and Gary J. Ockey 2018 Chapter 16. ConclusionAssessing L2 Listening: Moving towards authenticity, Ockey, Gary J. and Elvis Wagner, pp. 248–256 | Chapter
Wagner, Elvis and Gary J. Ockey 2018 Chapter 2. An overview of the use of authentic, real-world spoken texts on L2 listening testsAssessing L2 Listening: Moving towards authenticity, Ockey, Gary J. and Elvis Wagner, pp. 14–28 | Chapter