Frederick Attenborough
List of John Benjamins publications for which Frederick Attenborough plays a role.
Rape is rape (except when it’s not): The media, recontextualisation and violence against women Exploring Language Aggression against Women, Bou-Franch, Patricia (ed.), pp. 15–35 | Article
2016 This chapter contributes to a body of research in which media reports of violence against women are analyzed for the ways they gloss precisely what it is that constitutes ‘violence against women’ in the event under report. To catch this glossing in flight, as it were, mediated reports of violence… read more
Rape is rape (except when it’s not): The media, recontextualisation and violence against women Language Aggression Against Women, Bou-Franch, Patricia (ed.), pp. 183–203 | Article
2014 This article contributes to a body of research in which media reports of violence against women are analysed for the ways they gloss precisely what it is that constitutes ‘violence against women’ in the event under report. To catch this glossing in flight, as it were, mediated reports of violence… read more