Timothy J. Vance

List of John Benjamins publications for which Timothy J. Vance plays a role.


Subjects Japanese linguistics | Phonology | Theoretical linguistics
Vance, Timothy J. 2018 Chapter 13. The inexorable spread of 〈ou〉 in Romanized JapaneseTopics in Theoretical Asian Linguistics: Studies in honor of John B. Whitman, Nishiyama, Kunio, Hideki Kishimoto and Edith Aldridge (eds.), pp. 287–302 | Chapter
When the Japanese government adopted new guidelines for representing words in kana (basically moraic phonograms) in 1946, a few mismatches between spelling and modern Tokyo pronunciation remained. One was using 〈う〉 (u) as the default representation for the second half of the long vowel /oH/… read more
Miyashita, Mizuki, Mark Irwin, Ian Wilson and Timothy J. Vance 2016 Rendaku in Tōhoku Japanese: The Kahoku-chō SurveySequential Voicing in Japanese: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project, Vance, Timothy J. and Mark Irwin (eds.), pp. 173–194 | Article
Rendaku in many Tōhoku dialects is manifested in the form of prenasalized voicing, and this paper provides a case study of rendaku in the dialect of Kahoku-chō, Yamagata Prefecture. After describing prenasalized voicing and its relationship to rendaku, the paper reports the results of a study… read more
Nakazawa, Nobuyuki, Timothy J. Vance, Mark Irwin and Paul Lyddon 2016 Rendaku awareness of Japanese learners in Taiwan: Students at Ming Chuan UniversitySequential Voicing in Japanese: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project, Vance, Timothy J. and Mark Irwin (eds.), pp. 57–78 | Article
As rendaku is not entirely predictable, it is particularly difficult for second language learners of Japanese to master. To date, however, little research has been done to examine this problem. This study investigates the potential pedagogical value of Lyman’s Law, the observation that the second… read more
Vance, Timothy J. 2016 IntroductionSequential Voicing in Japanese: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project, Vance, Timothy J. and Mark Irwin (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
Vance, Timothy J. and Atsushi Asai 2016 Rendaku and individual segmentsSequential Voicing in Japanese: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project, Vance, Timothy J. and Mark Irwin (eds.), pp. 119–138 | Article
This paper reviews suggestions involving particular individual phonemes, either as potential rendaku targets or as elements in the environment. Some of the proposed segmental effects are real, at least as statistical tendencies in the existing vocabulary, and experimental studies suggest that… read more
Vance, Timothy J. 2014 If rendaku isn’t a rule, what in the world is it?Usage-based Approaches to Japanese Grammar: Towards the understanding of human language, Kabata, Kaori and Tsuyoshi Ono (eds.), pp. 137–152 | Article
The morphophonemic voicing phenomenon in Japanese known as rendaku is highly irregular, but several factors are believed to make rendaku more or less likely. This paper reviews some experiments intended to test the psychological reality of three such factors: Lyman’s Law, the semantic relationship… read more
Vance, Timothy J. 1992 Lexical Phonology and Japanese Vowel DevoicingThe Joy of Grammar: A festschrift in honor of James D. McCawley, Brentari, Diane, Gary N. Larson and Lynn A. MacLeod (eds.), pp. 337 ff. | Article