Michelle Troberg
List of John Benjamins publications for which Michelle Troberg plays a role.
Le prédicat résultatif adjectival en français médiéval Lingvisticæ Investigationes 37:1, pp. 156–180 | Article
2014 The goal of this article is to show that adjectival resultative secondary predication was a syntactic possibility in Medieval French. From a diachronic point of view, the presence of this construction is surprising given that it is attested neither in Latin nor in Modern French. From a typological… read more
From indirect to direct object: Systematic change in 15th century French Diachronica 28:3, pp. 382–422 | Article
2011 This article provides an account of the shift in the expression of the internal argument of a small class of dynamic two-place verbs best represented by aider “help” from ‘dative’, i.e., as an indirect object with the preposition à, to ‘accusative’, i.e., as a direct object with no preposition.… read more
Directed motion in Medieval French Romance Linguistics 2010: Selected papers from the 40th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Seattle, Washington, March 2010, Herschensohn, Julia (ed.), pp. 117–136 | Article
2011 This paper introduces new data showing that Medieval French patterns like a satellite-framed language in that directed motion events can be expressed via a manner verb and a PP complement denoting a telic goal. This contrasts sharply with contemporary French, a typical verb-framed language, in… read more