Philippus Breuker
List of John Benjamins publications for which Philippus Breuker plays a role.
De “Burmania”-sprekwurden. Meitsjen, sammeljen en útjaan: Sprekwurden yn de 16e en de 17e iuw From West to North Frisia: A Journey along the North Sea Coast, Walker, Alastair, Eric Hoekstra, Goffe Jensma, Wendy Vanselow, Willem Visser and Christoph Winter (eds.), pp. 77–88 | Chapter
2022 The so-called “Burmania” – proverbs have come down to us in two versions, as a manuscript from 1614 and as a printed edition from 1641. The former must be a copy. The blueprint is from about 1610, possibly from Sibrandus Siccama. The author must have had an older collection of proverbs at his… read more