Niina Hynninen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Niina Hynninen plays a role.
Opening up the peer review process: Evaluation and alignment in research paper trajectories The dynamics of academic knowledge production: Text histories and text trajectories, Lillis, Theresa and Mary Jane Curry (eds.), pp. 29–50 | Article
2022 Many science journals have begun either to provide authors with the opportunity to publish peer review reports alongside their published article or to use a form of interactive open access peer review, which means that the review process is made public from the start. However, because of the… read more
ICL at the micro level: L2 speakers taking on the role of language experts Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Gaining Insights into English-Medium Instruction at European Universities, Smit, Ute and Emma Dafouz (eds.), pp. 13–29 | Article