Rodica Amel
List of John Benjamins publications for which Rodica Amel plays a role.
Place and Person(a) Controversies, Communication and the Body, Lehmann, Joseph (ed.), pp. 404–415 | Article
2016 Without any polemic intention, our present contribution will be concerned with the idea of corporeality as an ontological index, in positive and negative perspective. In the positive perspective, corporeality represents the definitional index of the human person. More specifically, we shall… read more
The constitutive rule of a round table: On (On) Searle on Conversation Pragmatics & Cognition 2:1, pp. 167–190 | Discussion
1994 'What is the dialogical way to episteme?' and 'What chances has a commentary to approach correctly this question? ' constitute the author's problems in presenting and discussing the collective volume (On) Searle on Conversation. The contributors — along with Searle and the author of this essay —… read more