Lucie Doležalová

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lucie Doležalová plays a role.


Subjects Classical literature & literary studies | Medieval literature & literary studies | Romance literature & literary studies | Theoretical literature & literary studies


Doležalová, Lucie 2024 Chapter 10. Czech landsLatin Literatures of Medieval and Early Modern Times in Europe and Beyond: A millennium heritage, Stella, Francesco (ed.), pp. 252–261 | Chapter
The study presents a brief overview of Latin literature in the Czech lands from its beginnings at the end of the tenth century until ca. 1526. Special attention is paid to its blossoming during the reign of Charles IV (1346–1378), as well as to the European anomaly – the Hussite movement –… read more
Overviewing their individual features, the study presents medieval manuscripts as complex communication devices and social and cultural phenomena deserving further study outside the technical context of paleography and codicology. read more
Stella, Francesco, Lucie Doležalová and Danuta Shanzer 2024 ForewordLatin Literatures of Medieval and Early Modern Times in Europe and Beyond: A millennium heritage, Stella, Francesco (ed.), pp. ix–xxi | Miscellaneous