Guus Extra

List of John Benjamins publications for which Guus Extra plays a role.

Extra, Guus and Massimiliano Spotti 2009 Language, migration and citizenship: A case study on testing regimes in the NetherlandsDiscourses on Language and Integration: Critical perspectives on language testing regimes in Europe, Hogan-Brun, Gabrielle, Clare Mar-Molinero and Patrick Stevenson (eds.), pp. 61–82 | Chapter
This chapter is organised into five sections. Section 1 deals with the notions of language, nation, and citizenship, also from a historical perspective, and with the European public and political discourse on immigrant minority groups in terms of ‘foreigners’ and ‘integration’. Taken from… read more
The focus of this paper is on immigrant minority languages in urban Western Europe. Both multidisciplinary and cross-national perspectives will be offered on two major domains in which language transmission occurs, i.e., the domestic domain and the public domain. Prototypical of these two domains… read more
Owing to processes of migration and minorization, the Netherlands is increasingly developing into a multicultural society. Litde information, however, is available about the actual composition of this multicultural society. Statistics on immigrant minority groups are commonly based on nationality… read more
The growing presence of ethnic minority groups in society is not a phenomenon that can only be observed in the Netherlands. It is estimated that in the year 2000 about one-third of the population below 35 years in urban Western Europe will have an immigrant background. Against this background,… read more
The following questions are taken into account: . what types of word formation principles are used by language learners? . what lexemes are combined in nominal compounds (N+N) and nomi-nal circumscriptions (N+prep+N)? . what semantic relations are expressed in nominal compounds? . what binding… read more
Under the auspices of the Dutch National Science Foundation (ZWO), a research program on primary language development is being prepared. This text aims at contributing to the foundation of such a program by focusing on the main trends in research on primary language development in the Netherlands… read more
In this text five focal areas for teaching Dutch as a second language to adults are discussed. The first two areas derive from a didactic cycle that calls for a discussion in series: insights into language needs are necessary - although insufficient - prerequisites for defining and choosing… read more
Migration of foreign workers and their families is a familiar phenomenon throughout Europe. From this it follows that the inte-gration of migrant children into the educational system is not a specifically Dutch problem. Comparison with the integration of migrant children elsewhere in Europe -… read more