Riccardo Giomi
List of John Benjamins publications for which Riccardo Giomi plays a role.
Chapter 6. Underspecification and ambiguity of voice markers: Synchrony and diachrony Vagueness, Ambiguity, and All the Rest: Linguistic and pragmatic approaches, Fiorentini, Ilaria and Chiara Zanchi (eds.), pp. 110–147 | Chapter
2024 Voice markers have a notorious cross-linguistic tendency towards multifunctionality, in that a given marker can encode more than one voice operation at a time, such as reflexive and passive. In addition, diachronic typological research has also shown that patterns of multifunctionality of voice… read more
Grammar, context and the hearer: A proposal for an addressee-oriented model of Functional Discourse Grammar The interaction between context and grammar in Functional Discourse Grammar, Alturo, Nuria, Evelien Keizer and Lluís Payrató (eds.), pp. 275–296 | Article
2014 This paper addresses two issues related to the overarching question of how to integrate Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG) into a wider theory of verbal interaction (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008: 1). First, it proposes an addressee-oriented version of the Grammatical Component, presenting a first… read more