Timur A. Maisak
List of John Benjamins publications for which Timur A. Maisak plays a role.
Chapter 5. From an adverb/postposition ‘behind’ to a discourse marker: The particle reχu in Andi Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective, Barotto, Alessandra and Simone Mattiola (eds.), pp. 93–133 | Chapter
2023 The paper describes two uses of the discourse particle reχu in Andi (Nakh-Daghestanian, Avar-Andic), namely the consecutive, or sequential, use found in the non-final clauses of multiclausal sentences and reinforcing the idea of temporal sequence (‘and then’), and the pragmatic use with… read more
Chapter 4. Structural and functional variations of the perfect in the Lezgic languages The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum and Marc Fryd (eds.), pp. 87–116 | Chapter
2021 The paper presents a study of the morphological and semantic properties of the perfects in nine Lezgic languages, the southern branch of the East Caucasian (Nakh-Daghestanian) language family. Morphologically, the perfects belong to the perfective subsystem. They are usually periphrastic, with a… read more
Borrowing from an unrelated language in support of intragenetic tendencies: The case of the conditional clitic =sa in Udi Diachronica 36:3, pp. 337–383 | Article
2019 Udi is a Nakh-Daghestanian (Lezgic) language spoken in northern Azerbaijan, which has undergone many contact-induced changes due to the influence of unrelated languages of the eastern Caucasus (Indo-European, Turkic). A recent change is the borrowing of the conditional enclitic =sa from… read more
Subject pronoun doubling in Agul: Spoken corpus data on a rare discourse pattern Studies in Language 40:4, pp. 955–987 | Article
2016 The paper describes the doubling of free personal pronouns in Agul, an East Caucasian language spoken in Daghestan, Russia. The doubling construction consists of a subject pronoun in the canonical preverbal position, paired with an identical instance of the same pronoun immediately following the… read more
Causatives in Agul Argument Structure and Grammatical Relations: A crosslinguistic typology, Suihkonen, Pirkko, Bernard Comrie and Valery Solovyev (eds.), pp. 55–114 | Article
2012 The paper considers morphology, morphosyntax and semantics of causative formation in Agul, a Lezgic language of Southern Daghestan (Russia). In Agul, the two most frequent causative patterns, periphrastic and compound causatives, apparently share one source of grammaticalization. The former are… read more
From interrogatives to placeholders in Udi and Agul spontaneous narratives Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders, Amiridze, Nino, Boyd Davis and Margaret Maclagan (eds.), pp. 95–118 | Article
2010 The paper describes the form and behavior of placeholders in Udi and Agul, two languages belonging to the Lezgic branch of the Northeast Caucasian family. The placeholders found in these languages show clear similarity despite the fact that they developed independently. In both languages, nominal… read more