Elisabeth Bergmeister

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elisabeth Bergmeister plays a role.


Krammer, Klaudia, Elisabeth Bergmeister, Franz Dotter, Marlene Hilzensauer, Ingeborg Okorn, Reinhold Orter and Andrea Skant 2001 The Klagenfurt database for sign language lexiconsSign Transcription and Database Storage of Sign Information, Bergman, Brita, Penny Boyes Braem, Thomas Hanke and Elena Antinoro Pizzuto (eds.), pp. 191–201 | Article
The Klagenfurt database was originally developed as a base for both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries of Austrian Sign Language. The part dealing with the formational features of signs as well as the morphosyntactic and semantic information have already been finished. We decided on an approach… read more