Maria Patrizia Bologna
List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Patrizia Bologna plays a role.
Aspetti funzionali e pragmatici nel pensiero linguistico di Philipp Wegener. Con la traduzione antologica di Philipp Wegener, Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen des Sprachlebens. By Maria Paola Tenchini Quot homines tot artes: New Studies in Missionary Linguistics, Zwartjes, Otto and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 447–451 | Review
2009 Publications Received / Ouvrages Reçus Eingegangene Schriften Historiographia Linguistica 32:3, pp. 425–441 | Publications received
2005 Langage et expressivité chez august friedrich pott Historiographia Linguistica 22:1/2, pp. 75–90 | Article
1995 Cet article traite de la manière dont August Friedrich Pott (1802–1887), l’un des représentants de la linguistique générale allemande au XIXe siècle, s’occupe de certains faits linguistiques que l’on peut compter parmi les manifestations de l’expressivité dans le langage, à savoir les… read more
Whitney in Italia Historiographia Linguistica 13:1, pp. 43–70 | Article
1986 Summary The paper deals with the Italian translation of the best known book of William Dwight Whitney (The Life and Growth of Language, New York & London, 1875) by Francesco D’Ovidio (La vita e lo sviluppo del linguaggio, Milano, 1876). This translation was a sign of the interest which Italian… read more