Paula Buttery

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paula Buttery plays a role.


Buttery, Paula, Michael McCarthy and Ronald Carter 2015 Chapter 8. Chatting in the academy: Informality in spoken academic discourseCorpora, Grammar and Discourse: In honour of Susan Hunston, Groom, Nicholas, Maggie Charles and Suganthi John (eds.), pp. 183–210 | Article
In this chapter we explore a recently acknowledged phenomenon: the way in which formal discourse is increasingly now inflected with forms more commonly associated with informal discourse. The phenomenon has been referred to as conversationalisation or informalisation and has been discussed in… read more
Buttery, Paula and Andrew Caines 2012 Normalising frequency counts to account for 'opportunity of use' in learner corporaDevelopmental and Crosslinguistic Perspectives in Learner Corpus Research, Tono, Yukio, Yuji Kawaguchi and Makoto Minegishi (eds.), pp. 187–204 | Article