Angela Chan
List of John Benjamins publications for which Angela Chan plays a role.
Chapter 3. Constructing a “competent” meeting chair: A study of the discourse of meeting chairing in a Hong Kong workplace Identity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world, Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Stephanie Schnurr (eds.), pp. 39–56 | Chapter
This chapter investigates how an inexperienced manager struggles to construct or not to construct himself as a (competent) meeting chair in face of his boss’s criticism on his meeting chairing skills. It draws on video-recordings of business meetings collected at a small company in… read more
Directive-giving and grammatical forms: Mitigation devices in a medical laboratory setting Chinese Language and Discourse 6:2, pp. 133–161 | Article
2015 This paper investigates the use of grammatical forms in directive sequences by drawing on daily interactions between colleagues in a medical laboratory in Hong Kong. From a conversation analytic perspective, we focus on how directives in Cantonese are commonly formulated and how the force of a… read more
Same Context, Different Strategies: A Company Director’s Discourse in Business Meetings Culture, Contexts, and Communication in Multicultural Australia and New Zealand: An Introduction, Zhu, Yunxia and Herbert Hildebrandt (eds.), pp. 61–81 | Article
2007 This paper uses audio and video data to examine the discourse of a New Zealand IT company director in business meetings. Three examples of the director dealing with behaviour by his subordinates that he wants to influence are analysed by drawing on a collection of discourse analytic frameworks… read more