Angela Chan

List of John Benjamins publications for which Angela Chan plays a role.


This chapter investigates how an inexperienced manager struggles to construct or not to construct himself as a (competent) meeting chair in face of his boss’s criticism on his meeting chairing skills. It draws on video-recordings of business meetings collected at a small company in… read more
Chan, Angela, Wei Zhang, Olga Zayts-Spence, Mary Hoi Yin Tang and Wai Keung Tam 2015 Directive-giving and grammatical forms: Mitigation devices in a medical laboratory settingChinese Language and Discourse 6:2, pp. 133–161 | Article
This paper investigates the use of grammatical forms in directive sequences by drawing on daily interactions between colleagues in a medical laboratory in Hong Kong. From a conversation analytic perspective, we focus on how directives in Cantonese are commonly formulated and how the force of a… read more
This paper uses audio and video data to examine the discourse of a New Zealand IT company director in business meetings. Three examples of the director dealing with behaviour by his subordinates that he wants to influence are analysed by drawing on a collection of discourse analytic frameworks… read more