Bastian Mayerhofer

List of John Benjamins publications for which Bastian Mayerhofer plays a role.


Mayerhofer, Bastian 2013 Perspective clashing as a humour mechanismDevelopments in Linguistic Humour Theory, Dynel, Marta (ed.), pp. 211–234 | Article
Misunderstandings, mistaken identities, the lack of information of a character in a story, or the application of a faulty logic by a character in a story are prominent elements of humorous narratives. Perspective clashing is introduced as a categorisation of these humorous instances. Narratives… read more
Garden path jokes exploit discourse comprehension processes at the interface of semantics and pragmatics. Up to the punch-line, the recipient is intentionally led up the garden path. A first dominant interpretation of an ambiguous textual input is constructed. After encountering a violation of the… read more