Anthony F. Morse

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anthony F. Morse plays a role.

Spranger, Michael and Anthony F. Morse (eds.) 2016 Special Section: Computational and Robotics Models of Language DevelopmentInteraction Studies 17:1 | Section header
Twomey, Katherine E., Anthony F. Morse, Angelo Cangelosi and Jessica S. Horst 2016 Children’s referent selection and word learning: Insights from a developmental robotic systemInteraction Studies 17:1, pp. 101–127 | Article
It is well-established that toddlers can correctly select a novel referent from an ambiguous array in response to a novel label. There is also a growing consensus that robust word learning requires repeated label-object encounters. However, the effect of the context in which a novel object is… read more
Belpaeme, Tony and Anthony F. Morse 2010 Time will tell – why it is too early to worryInteraction Studies 11:2, pp. 191–195 | Article
Parthemore, Joel and Anthony F. Morse 2010 Representations reclaimed: Accounting for the co-emergence of concepts and experiencePragmatics & Cognition 18:2, pp. 273–312 | Article
Understanding the relationship between concepts and experience seems necessary to specifying the content of experience, yet current theories of concepts do not seem up to the job. With Peter Gärdenfors’s conceptual spaces theory as a foundation and with enactivist philosophy as inspiration, we… read more
Morse, Anthony F. and Tom Ziemke 2008 On the role(s) of modelling in cognitive sciencePragmatics & Cognition 16:1, pp. 37–56 | Article
Although work on computational and robotic modelling of cognition is highly diverse, as an empirical method it can be roughly divided into at least two clearly different, though non-exclusive branches, motivated to evaluate the sufficiency or the necessity of theories when it comes to accounting… read more